Explore Masculinities
We don't believe in the patriarchal notions. There are a lot of opinion pieces, ideas/articles relevant to the issues of masculinities and diverse sexualities. Ever experienced instances where people tell you that women cannot drive or boys/men do not cry or something which you usually don't expect people to say? This page leads the way and provides readings/resources which helps us understand the different, non-stereotypical notions and views.
Sexual Violence Research Initiative
Partners in Social Change: Engaging Men
Initial Results from the International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES)
Parivartan: An Initiative of Coaching Boys into Men, Preliminary Results
Changing Cultural and Social Norms that Support Violence
Understanding Men's Health and the use of Violence- Interface of rape and HIV in South Africa
Engaging Men from Diverse Backgrounds in Preventing Men's Violence against Women
Partners in Social Change: Engaging Men
Initial Results from the International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES)
Parivartan: An Initiative of Coaching Boys into Men, Preliminary Results
Changing Cultural and Social Norms that Support Violence
Understanding Men's Health and the use of Violence- Interface of rape and HIV in South Africa
Engaging Men from Diverse Backgrounds in Preventing Men's Violence against Women